Industrial Safety

Expert Workers Are Giving Best Services To Industrial Safety
Industrial safety is a state of protection of physical party and juridical party, the environment from harmful effects of hazardous production factors. Birlik-Energo LLP is hazardous production facility. One of the way to ensure industrial safety is Industrial safety expert review and declaration of hazardous production facility safety. Industrial safety expert review is carried out to check the conformity of the object to the established standards and requirements. Hazardous production facilities during operation of which potential harmful effects of hazardous production factors on population and environment cannot be excluded, are subject to mandatory declaration. In connection with this specialists of the company developed Refinery Safety Declaration, which passed through expertize and was registered in the authorized body.

System Of Industrial Safety Management
It’s a structured set of managerial decisions, norms and procedures by means of which activities on prevention of risks and compliance with Industrial safety requirements are carried out and developed.

Environment Protection
The Group’s Development Strategy is directly related to the HSE management goals. Increasing environmental responsibility is one of the major initiatives included in the LLC ZHASOIL TRADE Strategy-2028. Priorities for the group in terms of environmental protection include managing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing flaring, managing water resources, managing production waste, reclaiming land, and using less energy.

Process Safety
To fulfill its Health Safety Environment & Quality Policy objective of “No accidents, no harm to people, no damage to the environment, and 100% customer satisfaction, LLC ZHASOIL TRADE places a strong focus on process safety management. To avoid possible Loss of Containment (LOC) accidents, a strict process safety management system is in place. LLC ZHASOIL TRADE passionately believes in using lessons from previous mistakes to enhance process safety performance. Comprehensive investigations of internal LOC and near-miss accidents, as well as the lessons learned from incidents at other external refineries, are used to identify and implement improvement opportunities.