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Oil pumps and fuel barrels. Financial charts and economic graphs. Vector illustration.
about company

Our Refinery Produces Mainly Fuel Products

LLC ZHASOIL TRADE is a leading vertically integrated oil and gas company in Kazakhstan. The refinery was put into operation in 2011 and is focused on processing of oil raw materials of West Siberian oil fields. The enterprise has a balanced capacity of 6,0 million tons of crude oil per year..

Expert Workers are Giving Best Services to Industrial Safety

Industrial safety is a state of protection of physical party and juridical party, the environment from harmful effects of hazardous production factors. Birlik-Energo LLP is hazardous production facility.

Fire safety
Innovation and energy efficiency
Labour protection
Motion Video

Our Structure

Company Strategy

The Development Strategy of LLC ZHASOIL TRADE for 2022–2031 was approved by the Board of Directors

Corporate Governance

Compared to 60.9 percent in 2020, 60.8 percent of businesses in 2019 met the requirements

Human Resource

The HR department is responsible for the formulation of personnel policies and procedures,

Oil & Gas Production


Oil Refinning

fast foward thinking

LLC ZHASOIL TRADE produces 25% of the country’s oil and gas

Condensate and 15% of natural gas and associated gas. The Company’s trunk pipelines transport 56% of oil in Kazakhstan. The share of oil refined by Kazakhstan oil refineries is 81%. In 2021, LLC ZHASOIL TRADE produced 21,651 thous. tonnes of oil and 8,081 mln m3 of associated gas and natural gas. It transported 74,565 thous tonnes of oil and 81,851 mln m3 of gas from January 1 to November 8, 2021. Oil refineries refined 18,833 thousand tonnes of oil.

After the modernization of the refinery, the domestic market of Kazakhstan will be provided with fuel and lubricants until 2023-2025.
LLC ZHASOIL TRADE establishes cooperation with owners of filling stations
LLC ZHASOIL TRADE launched professional training programme as per OPITO standards for operation technicians